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DAJJAL (Antichrist)
Al-Dajjal (Arabic: الدجال, al-Dajjal) ("Liar / impostor") is a form of evil in Islam eshatologi, which will appear before Yawm al-Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection Original). Their aim is to influence others to believe in the lie of paganism, or fraud, while creating a self-image as imitation God, as Imam Mahdi is almost always accompanied by a false prophet, whose job it is to spread their lies as truth. Dajjal is usually well received by the cult, secular, and some Orthodox Jews.
Of Abi Al-Bahiliy Umamah, he said: "the Prophet delivered a sermon in front of us. In his sermon that touched a lot of trouble the DAJJAL (Antichrist). He said: "Surely there is no fitnah (mischief) on earth as tough as defamation brought by the Dajjal (Antichrist). Every prophet sent by ALLAH is to remind people of the Dajjal. I am the last prophet when you are the last. Dajjal (Antichrist) was not impossible to come to your generation. If he came when I was there in the middle of you, so I was as an advocate for every believer. If he came after my death, then each person to look after himself. And Allah will take care of real believers.
DAJJAL was to come later from a place between Sham and Iraq. And influence people by so quickly. O servants of Allah, O man, that stand on here I will explain to you the characteristics of the Dajjal (Antichrist), which is not described by the prophets before me to his people.
At first, the Dajjal (Antichrist) will declare himself as a prophet. Remember, there is no prophet after me. Then later he claimed to be God. Remember that ALLAH is not possible you see before you die. Dajjal was defective eyes when God is not defective, but not the same as new. And also between the two points were written BEFORE the Dajjal, which can be read by every believer who can read or illiterate.
Prophet Muhammad Shollallahu 'alaih Wa Sallam Said About DAJJAL
WHO Dajjal?
Dajjal (why Dajjal had only one eye?, exactly, that is just figurative language, meaning the ally of the heathen people or Kufr people for the blessings and favors of ALLAH that allied with the DEVIL, GENIE, JINN, SATAN that clever of pretense, and being enemy of ALLAH, they are is the creature who only want to see Reality with one eye, condescending and dismissive the truth, demeaning and belittling the reality , condescending and dismissive of other creatures creature that became his enemy), he was so named he was covering up the truth (they want to hide the truth), with a lie and cover their falsehood deception by pretending to do good and do good to hide heathen nature of their, their kufr (nature of kufr) in the presence of all the people around the WORLD (their want made THE TRUTH to be FALSE, that wrong to be true (hide from reality), and the idolatrous people (allied with the Devil, genie, Jinn, Satan), the people who kufr over ALLAH favors a clever pretense that allied with the DEVIL, JINN, them and their SATAN called DAJJAL), they all come from all arround the world, and formed a conspiracy (plot like the mafia gangs), they are is the accomplice, named DAJJAL (the Antichrist) They are a wolf in sheep, have properties like the devil, acting pattern like animals that can not see and can not hear the real truth (could not accept the reality) hide the truth and misleading. they are is Human beings as described by ALLAH in the Qur'an as a blind man as mentioned in His (ALLAH) words:
"then if they do not walk on the earth, and they have hearts with which they can understand or have ears with which they hear?" For verily not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts. "(QS . Al-Hajj: 46)
"And the parable (people who call for) those who disbelieve is like herding animal that does not hear the call in addition to the call and the call alone. They are deaf, dumb and blind, so (therefore) they do not understand. "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 171)
"Is there anyone who knows that what is revealed to you from your Lord, the same is true with people who are blind? Only men of understanding who can take lessons. "(Ar-Ra'd: 19)
"Among the slanders (Ad-Dajjal) is, that there is a heaven and a hell with him. When in fact hell is heaven and paradise is hell. Whoever get the hellish ordeal, let him seek refuge in God and let him read verses of surah al-Kahf in the beginning. (Reported by Ibn Majah - Sahih)

General Idi Amin Dada Oumee (Koboko, Uganda, about 1925-Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, August 16, 2003), which is also known as Idi Amin, is the leader of a military dictator who ruled Uganda on January 25 1971- 13 April 1979 entered school Islam in Bombo in 1941 Idi Amin left school after a few years later, Idi Amin is Symbolic Archetypes Of Dajjal
Talk about Dajjal certainly not out with expert Magic, magic word root meaning is turning something from nature. So when there is a manifest evil with the good appearance and show something in the view that are not in fact it is said he has conjured something ".
Hypnotic of Dajjal
Is hypnosis dajjal is that a person committed a crime ..?
Under the influence of hypnosis, are not naturally people will feel calm and not able to realize that they are living in a time that is very important. The rivers of blood flow throughout the Muslim world and the Muslim world was suffering, yet hypnotic liars make a lot of people look at him without attention, because hypnosis liars, people believe in Darwinism, which teaches that all life and the universe was formed due to random events with the idea -ide awkward and does not make sense. Dajjal hypnosis make people not able to see the appearance of the signs of the end times
Dajjal is a real figure who do extraordinary things in the forms of Magic, she appeared at the end of time, is a tremendous source of temptation for the big man, as it is obvious from the lexical meaning of the word Dajjal itself. She is a witch figure which has a wide range of material facilities.
Quantum teleportation in the Age of Prophet Sulaiman
Said someone who has knowledge of the Book: "I will bring it to you before your eyes blink". Then when he saw it placed firmly before him ... "(Surat an-Naml 27:40).
According to Albert Einstein, the highest in the world relative velocity is the speed of light within the travel 299,792,458 meters / sec. If all the particles can be converted into light speed, latency speed will equal the speed of light.
The problem is, if someone was able to transform himself into the character resembles the character of the light? Apparently Solomon's assistant has the ability to transform the character of the particle throne Queen Balqis.
DAJJAL (Antichrist) described in surah al-Kahf sophisticated
Word of Allah SWT Surat al-Kahf 4-8:
"And to warn those who say:" ALLAH took a child. "They never had any knowledge about it, as did their ancestors How bad words out of their mouths, they do not say (anything). However lies. Then (is) probably going to commit suicide because you grieve after their turned, if only they did not believe this explanation (Al-Quran) is We. has made what on earth as an ornament for it, so that We test them Who is the best among the actions, and. that we will actually make (that) what is on it to barren ground flat again. "
It has become clear in the paragraph above Dajjal (Antichrist) will have only one eye or one eye blind, meaning that can not distinguish between right and wrong,
Behold (Your must knowing), ALLAH has given the ability on some jinn which becomes the ally of the heathen people or Kufr people for the blessings and favors of ALLAH. Among other capabilities the moving speed and switching place in high speed, fly in the air (walking in the air on high speed) too, and the ability to lift objects that are very heavy. Jinn and his followers (the unbelievers and the hypocrites) could also see a human being human beings can not see jinn. There are times when the appearance of the jinn or Satan because magic is done by genie who becomes like being tall, dark, scary or even transformed into a human or vice versa like creatures that light shines very handsome or beautiful (who claimed gods and goddesses). Both of these are a form of trickery launched by the devil in man, or someone could see jinn or communicate with them directly for assistance Jinn (genie) itself.
" ........and they bring that amazing magic." (QS.Al-A’raf:116)
"The root word of magic, meaning magic is turning something from nature. So when there is a manifest goodness and badness with the view to show something that is not in fact in the view that it was said he had conjured something ".
"Say, I have no holding of power to benefit for me and not (also) rejected the harm except the will of ALLAH. And except that I know the unseen, I certainly made a virtue as much as possible and I will not be overwritten of harm. I am nothing, but a warner, and carriers of good news for those who believe"(QS. al-A'raf : 188)
If you fear with the Antichrist (DAJJAL) is one of ignorance, even if carried away in your dream. That's the most stupid thing, and very ideot.
ALLAH Almighty says:
O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe.
(Surah: Al-A'raf Verse: 27)
ALLAH created humans in velocity vibration slightly slower protons atomic, than the natural material of Jinn more faster until we can not see jinn and its nature..
Idolaters (allied with Satan, jinn, demons, Satan and devil unbelievers, or people who allied with Sayton and jinn from around the world who are able to know things supernatural with the help of jinns and devils, according to the promises that have agreed of them
ALLAH Almighty says:
ويوم يحشرهم جميعا يا معشر الجن قد استكثرتم من الإنس وقال أولياؤهم من الإنس ربنا استمتع بعضنا ببعض وبلغنا أجلنا الذي أجلت لنا قال النار مثواكم خالدين فيها إلا ما شاء الله إن ربك حكيم عليم
"And [mention, O Muhammad], the Day when He will gather them together [and say], "O company of jinn, you have [misled] many of mankind." And their allies among mankind will say, "Our Lord, some of us made use of others, and we have [now] reached our term, which you appointed for us." He will say, "The Fire is your residence, wherein you will abide eternally, except for what Allah wills. Indeed, your Lord is Wise and Knowing." (QS. Al-An'am : 128)
"O Messenger (Rasulullah Muhammad Shollallahu 'alaih Wa Sallam) of ALLAH, verily the shaman usually predict something and we get exactly the same happened." He said, "The words of the genie heard was true, then infiltrated to ear thr followers, and add to it with a lie."
".....What they have crafted is but the trick of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he is." (QS. Thaha : 69)
The expert of metaphysicians who have a relationship with Jinn said : "Behold, the jinn show me something a shiny, like water and glass (to explain, by using magic, all be transparent, there can be made no there, no there can be there, open can be closed, open and closed can be made, and also describes the three-dimensional nature of science to penetrate the occult, if they are want to see the past and future. Usually the people like their, using science of magic or science explorer to penetrate the space and time, that called "Travel Time" by using Magic).
Jinn who became allies of the idolatrous people (allied with the Devil, genie, Jinn, Satan are also using technology television, phone, radio, mobile phones as a means of communication or contact the inner (telephaty, from a long distance communication tool with enough magic to hear and read people's minds using hypnosis) with people they consider enemies directly, because it helps the Jinn their allies by equating the stimulus frequency light reception with cosmic eye using audiovisual technology in corneal nerves of both eyes.
Sabbatai Sevi - TURKEY
In the 16th century, during the height of Gematria understanding, a Turkish rabbi known as Sevi Sabbati his name in Hebrew is calculated and found to correspond to the numeric code 888 Sevi told his followers that the number of his name as a symbol of Christ's identity. Orthodox Jews in his time as the Mahdi Sevi recognizes that long-awaited them.
"Although Sevi rejected by some Jews, most Jews came to accept him as the Messiah." - Gandalf von Eingestelt
Sevi was later arrested by the Turkish authorities and converted to Islam. Sevi false prophet, known as Nathan of Gaza, told his followers sometimes you have to pretend to be someone of a different faith to deceive the people around you. This conception became separated from fraud 'mystery school by Jews occultist. From this mystery schools develop basic Zionism and secret societies.
"The Jews split on this issue and some turned back to the old form of Judaism but a large number turned into a" secret "Jews strong reliable Sabbatai Sevi and the messianic utopia for Israel which will be Zionism." - Gandalf von Eingestelt
After the death of Sevi, His Messianic movements remain in apostasy hidden his followers. These groups work in secret, publicly confessed faith in Islam or Christianity, while secretly living as a secular Jew. The leaders of these groups to form various secret societies and take positions for themselves in every nation. In a short time they were grown very rich and shaped the Kingdom of Banking.
Dajjal figures:
1) King Namrud (Nimrod) - Sumer
2) Pharaoh - EGYPT - Akhenaten Of GOD
3) Sargon II - Assyria - Sargon
4) Nebuchadnezzar - Babylon
5.) Xerxes - PERSIA - Xerxes Baal
6) Antiochus IV - GREECE
7) Caesar Nero - ROME
8) 10 Empire Divided - A Club Of Rome
Six Crows
1) Napoleon - FRANCE
2) Adolf Hitler - GERMANY
3) Joseph Stalin - RUSSIA
4) President - United States
5.) Recep Erdogan - TURKEY
6) B. Netanyahu - ISRAEL
In April 1968 a group of economists and heads of state met in private land at the Rockefeller Bellagio, Italy under the guise of building world peace through 'A Club Of Rome'. Clubs (COR)
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent" -. Paul Warburg
Ten Kingdoms "The Ten Kingdoms" in the UN placed the ten territory called 'A Club of Rome', include:
1) North American Union (Not Established)
2) the European Union
3) Japan
4) Australia / New Zealand
5.) Eastern Europe Union / Russia
6) South American Union / Cuba
7) Middle East / North Africa
8) Africa
9) Union Asia / India
10) China
"Ten ruler of the world, in confederation with the Dajjal, the beast confederate army under Sargon II of Israel, which is done to Judah Nebuchadnezzar, power done by Antiochus Epiphanes to Palestine, and that is done Titus to Jerusalem" -. Rev. Ted Pike
"... Club has divided the world into ten regional political economy /, which he calls the" empire. "For ten kingdoms / regions come together even more in preparation for the reign of the ruler of the world, we will look at regionalizing money, the globalization of exchanges monetary or "cashless society" - Ministry Online.Org
"Around the world, the Club of Rome has indicated that genocide should be used to eliminate people who they refer to as" useless eaters. "This will be accomplished by using limited wars in the advanced countries, and even a limited nuclear strikes on strategic locations, as well as by way of creating a hunger to starvation and diseases in Third World countries" -. War On Satan Gematria Blog
Kingdoms together this is what the group described as the NWO - New World Order, which will be controlled through the Beast's reign as leader of Earth, all under the guise of creating world peace. Some aspects of this kingdom, yet in places including cash-less system.
"... There will be no peace in the tormented world, only a programmed and systematic series of wars and calamities- until plotters have gained their objective: an exhausted world willing to submit to Marxist economics, planned and total and meek enslavement- in the name of peace" -. Taylor Caldwell
Mortal Dajjal
1 Sabbatai Sevi - TURKEY
2 Lia Aminuddin - INDONESIA
3 Mitsuo Matayoshi - JAPAN
4 Ben Hulon Mitchell - UNITED STATES
5. Sun Myung Moon - Sun Moon - KOREA
6 William M Branham - Branham Bill - UNITED STATES
7 Ernest L. Norman - Norman EL - UNITED STATES
For a group of vicious and some Mystical / Luciferians (School of Mystery, Secret Society) Examples: The Secret Society of the European Communities, which includes Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and the Illuminati, the middle east mystery schools, such as Assassins and Yezidhi "Devil worshipers" Baphomet gods (idols), figure known as Dajjal is part of the holy trinity of ancient Babylonian / Sumerian figures.
The Unholy Trinity:
1) Whore of Babylon - Hathor (Whore of Babylon, sometimes combined with Semiramis / Ashtoreth / Lilith)
2) Devil - Satan (Canaanite god El, sometimes combined with Enki / Los Ha Ariman)
3) Son Of Sin - Zohak / Zohhak (Abaddon The Destroyer, sometimes combined with Azazel / Apollo)
There are three mortal characters that are key to understanding the identity of the Beast.
1) King Namrud (Nimrod) - Sumer
2) Sargon II - Assyria
3) Zohhak - Persian
That need to be observed and be wary
Wahhabis, Shi'ites, the former PKI
The Awaited - Imam Mahdi and Al Khidr
"When you think that the people who inhabit caves and (has) raqim, they include our signs shocking (Remember) when youths took refuge in the cave, and they prayed.?" O our Lord (ALLAH), grant me the grace to Us from You and shape to Us Straight instructions in Us (this). '
Dajjal (Antichrist) that we feel is often the result of a reckless act rude, because that power has been made to forget what is good and what is bad. Dajjal (Antichrist) the second is a group of youths kahf ashab enemy wants to avoid libel Dajjal (Antichrist). and prefer to run and hide in a cave. To more clearly its Dajjal (Antichrist) Who continuation of Surah Al-Kahf read / read a story about stories ashab kahf Islam ..
Then the mystery of what is inside the triangle BERMUDA reading here and stop the slander / fictional story about the existence of the Antichrist in the bermuda triangle. Because the Bermuda triangle is not much different from the phenomenon of Jabal maghnet.
Meanwhile in Islamic literature itself mentions that humans are going to destroy the Antichrist is none other than the Prophet Khidr.
Shalawat (Blessings) of Prophet Khidr AS,
اللهم صلّ وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله عدد كمال الله وكما يليق بكماله
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa `ala aalihi `adada kamaalillah wa kamaa yaleequ bi kamaalih.
"O Allah, bestow mercy Safety and blessing to Our master the Prophet Muhammad and family as there is no deadline above Your perfection and as much as count Your perfection
This is my address :
Gubeng Jaya No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, east java. 60281. you can search on this ... Google Maps .... and please type Gubeng Jaya No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Tim. 60281, Indonesia (Gubeng Jaya No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, east java. 60281. Indonesia), or type Gubeng Jaya II KA No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60281, Indonesia (Gubeng Jaya II KA No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, east java. 60281, Indonesia). then Click Street View. on Google Maps.
DAJJAL (Antichrist)
Al-Dajjal (Arabic: الدجال, al-Dajjal) ("Liar / impostor") is a form of evil in Islam eshatologi, which will appear before Yawm al-Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection Original). Their aim is to influence others to believe in the lie of paganism, or fraud, while creating a self-image as imitation God, as Imam Mahdi is almost always accompanied by a false prophet, whose job it is to spread their lies as truth. Dajjal is usually well received by the cult, secular, and some Orthodox Jews.
Of Abi Al-Bahiliy Umamah, he said: "the Prophet delivered a sermon in front of us. In his sermon that touched a lot of trouble the DAJJAL (Antichrist). He said: "Surely there is no fitnah (mischief) on earth as tough as defamation brought by the Dajjal (Antichrist). Every prophet sent by ALLAH is to remind people of the Dajjal. I am the last prophet when you are the last. Dajjal (Antichrist) was not impossible to come to your generation. If he came when I was there in the middle of you, so I was as an advocate for every believer. If he came after my death, then each person to look after himself. And Allah will take care of real believers.
DAJJAL was to come later from a place between Sham and Iraq. And influence people by so quickly. O servants of Allah, O man, that stand on here I will explain to you the characteristics of the Dajjal (Antichrist), which is not described by the prophets before me to his people.
At first, the Dajjal (Antichrist) will declare himself as a prophet. Remember, there is no prophet after me. Then later he claimed to be God. Remember that ALLAH is not possible you see before you die. Dajjal was defective eyes when God is not defective, but not the same as new. And also between the two points were written BEFORE the Dajjal, which can be read by every believer who can read or illiterate.
Prophet Muhammad Shollallahu 'alaih Wa Sallam Said About DAJJAL
WHO Dajjal?
Dajjal (why Dajjal had only one eye?, exactly, that is just figurative language, meaning the ally of the heathen people or Kufr people for the blessings and favors of ALLAH that allied with the DEVIL, GENIE, JINN, SATAN that clever of pretense, and being enemy of ALLAH, they are is the creature who only want to see Reality with one eye, condescending and dismissive the truth, demeaning and belittling the reality , condescending and dismissive of other creatures creature that became his enemy), he was so named he was covering up the truth (they want to hide the truth), with a lie and cover their falsehood deception by pretending to do good and do good to hide heathen nature of their, their kufr (nature of kufr) in the presence of all the people around the WORLD (their want made THE TRUTH to be FALSE, that wrong to be true (hide from reality), and the idolatrous people (allied with the Devil, genie, Jinn, Satan), the people who kufr over ALLAH favors a clever pretense that allied with the DEVIL, JINN, them and their SATAN called DAJJAL), they all come from all arround the world, and formed a conspiracy (plot like the mafia gangs), they are is the accomplice, named DAJJAL (the Antichrist) They are a wolf in sheep, have properties like the devil, acting pattern like animals that can not see and can not hear the real truth (could not accept the reality) hide the truth and misleading. they are is Human beings as described by ALLAH in the Qur'an as a blind man as mentioned in His (ALLAH) words:
"then if they do not walk on the earth, and they have hearts with which they can understand or have ears with which they hear?" For verily not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts. "(QS . Al-Hajj: 46)
"And the parable (people who call for) those who disbelieve is like herding animal that does not hear the call in addition to the call and the call alone. They are deaf, dumb and blind, so (therefore) they do not understand. "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 171)
"Is there anyone who knows that what is revealed to you from your Lord, the same is true with people who are blind? Only men of understanding who can take lessons. "(Ar-Ra'd: 19)
"Among the slanders (Ad-Dajjal) is, that there is a heaven and a hell with him. When in fact hell is heaven and paradise is hell. Whoever get the hellish ordeal, let him seek refuge in God and let him read verses of surah al-Kahf in the beginning. (Reported by Ibn Majah - Sahih)

General Idi Amin Dada Oumee (Koboko, Uganda, about 1925-Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, August 16, 2003), which is also known as Idi Amin, is the leader of a military dictator who ruled Uganda on January 25 1971- 13 April 1979 entered school Islam in Bombo in 1941 Idi Amin left school after a few years later, Idi Amin is Symbolic Archetypes Of Dajjal
Talk about Dajjal certainly not out with expert Magic, magic word root meaning is turning something from nature. So when there is a manifest evil with the good appearance and show something in the view that are not in fact it is said he has conjured something ".
Hypnotic of Dajjal
Is hypnosis dajjal is that a person committed a crime ..?
Under the influence of hypnosis, are not naturally people will feel calm and not able to realize that they are living in a time that is very important. The rivers of blood flow throughout the Muslim world and the Muslim world was suffering, yet hypnotic liars make a lot of people look at him without attention, because hypnosis liars, people believe in Darwinism, which teaches that all life and the universe was formed due to random events with the idea -ide awkward and does not make sense. Dajjal hypnosis make people not able to see the appearance of the signs of the end times
Dajjal is a real figure who do extraordinary things in the forms of Magic, she appeared at the end of time, is a tremendous source of temptation for the big man, as it is obvious from the lexical meaning of the word Dajjal itself. She is a witch figure which has a wide range of material facilities.
Quantum teleportation in the Age of Prophet Sulaiman
Said someone who has knowledge of the Book: "I will bring it to you before your eyes blink". Then when he saw it placed firmly before him ... "(Surat an-Naml 27:40).
According to Albert Einstein, the highest in the world relative velocity is the speed of light within the travel 299,792,458 meters / sec. If all the particles can be converted into light speed, latency speed will equal the speed of light.
The problem is, if someone was able to transform himself into the character resembles the character of the light? Apparently Solomon's assistant has the ability to transform the character of the particle throne Queen Balqis.
DAJJAL (Antichrist) described in surah al-Kahf sophisticated
Word of Allah SWT Surat al-Kahf 4-8:
"And to warn those who say:" ALLAH took a child. "They never had any knowledge about it, as did their ancestors How bad words out of their mouths, they do not say (anything). However lies. Then (is) probably going to commit suicide because you grieve after their turned, if only they did not believe this explanation (Al-Quran) is We. has made what on earth as an ornament for it, so that We test them Who is the best among the actions, and. that we will actually make (that) what is on it to barren ground flat again. "
It has become clear in the paragraph above Dajjal (Antichrist) will have only one eye or one eye blind, meaning that can not distinguish between right and wrong,
Behold (Your must knowing), ALLAH has given the ability on some jinn which becomes the ally of the heathen people or Kufr people for the blessings and favors of ALLAH. Among other capabilities the moving speed and switching place in high speed, fly in the air (walking in the air on high speed) too, and the ability to lift objects that are very heavy. Jinn and his followers (the unbelievers and the hypocrites) could also see a human being human beings can not see jinn. There are times when the appearance of the jinn or Satan because magic is done by genie who becomes like being tall, dark, scary or even transformed into a human or vice versa like creatures that light shines very handsome or beautiful (who claimed gods and goddesses). Both of these are a form of trickery launched by the devil in man, or someone could see jinn or communicate with them directly for assistance Jinn (genie) itself.
" ........and they bring that amazing magic." (QS.Al-A’raf:116)
"The root word of magic, meaning magic is turning something from nature. So when there is a manifest goodness and badness with the view to show something that is not in fact in the view that it was said he had conjured something ".
"Say, I have no holding of power to benefit for me and not (also) rejected the harm except the will of ALLAH. And except that I know the unseen, I certainly made a virtue as much as possible and I will not be overwritten of harm. I am nothing, but a warner, and carriers of good news for those who believe"(QS. al-A'raf : 188)
If you fear with the Antichrist (DAJJAL) is one of ignorance, even if carried away in your dream. That's the most stupid thing, and very ideot.
ALLAH Almighty says:
O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe.
(Surah: Al-A'raf Verse: 27)
ALLAH created humans in velocity vibration slightly slower protons atomic, than the natural material of Jinn more faster until we can not see jinn and its nature..
Idolaters (allied with Satan, jinn, demons, Satan and devil unbelievers, or people who allied with Sayton and jinn from around the world who are able to know things supernatural with the help of jinns and devils, according to the promises that have agreed of them
ALLAH Almighty says:
ويوم يحشرهم جميعا يا معشر الجن قد استكثرتم من الإنس وقال أولياؤهم من الإنس ربنا استمتع بعضنا ببعض وبلغنا أجلنا الذي أجلت لنا قال النار مثواكم خالدين فيها إلا ما شاء الله إن ربك حكيم عليم
"And [mention, O Muhammad], the Day when He will gather them together [and say], "O company of jinn, you have [misled] many of mankind." And their allies among mankind will say, "Our Lord, some of us made use of others, and we have [now] reached our term, which you appointed for us." He will say, "The Fire is your residence, wherein you will abide eternally, except for what Allah wills. Indeed, your Lord is Wise and Knowing." (QS. Al-An'am : 128)
"O Messenger (Rasulullah Muhammad Shollallahu 'alaih Wa Sallam) of ALLAH, verily the shaman usually predict something and we get exactly the same happened." He said, "The words of the genie heard was true, then infiltrated to ear thr followers, and add to it with a lie."
".....What they have crafted is but the trick of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he is." (QS. Thaha : 69)
The expert of metaphysicians who have a relationship with Jinn said : "Behold, the jinn show me something a shiny, like water and glass (to explain, by using magic, all be transparent, there can be made no there, no there can be there, open can be closed, open and closed can be made, and also describes the three-dimensional nature of science to penetrate the occult, if they are want to see the past and future. Usually the people like their, using science of magic or science explorer to penetrate the space and time, that called "Travel Time" by using Magic).
Jinn who became allies of the idolatrous people (allied with the Devil, genie, Jinn, Satan are also using technology television, phone, radio, mobile phones as a means of communication or contact the inner (telephaty, from a long distance communication tool with enough magic to hear and read people's minds using hypnosis) with people they consider enemies directly, because it helps the Jinn their allies by equating the stimulus frequency light reception with cosmic eye using audiovisual technology in corneal nerves of both eyes.
Sabbatai Sevi - TURKEY
In the 16th century, during the height of Gematria understanding, a Turkish rabbi known as Sevi Sabbati his name in Hebrew is calculated and found to correspond to the numeric code 888 Sevi told his followers that the number of his name as a symbol of Christ's identity. Orthodox Jews in his time as the Mahdi Sevi recognizes that long-awaited them.
"Although Sevi rejected by some Jews, most Jews came to accept him as the Messiah." - Gandalf von Eingestelt
Sevi was later arrested by the Turkish authorities and converted to Islam. Sevi false prophet, known as Nathan of Gaza, told his followers sometimes you have to pretend to be someone of a different faith to deceive the people around you. This conception became separated from fraud 'mystery school by Jews occultist. From this mystery schools develop basic Zionism and secret societies.
"The Jews split on this issue and some turned back to the old form of Judaism but a large number turned into a" secret "Jews strong reliable Sabbatai Sevi and the messianic utopia for Israel which will be Zionism." - Gandalf von Eingestelt
After the death of Sevi, His Messianic movements remain in apostasy hidden his followers. These groups work in secret, publicly confessed faith in Islam or Christianity, while secretly living as a secular Jew. The leaders of these groups to form various secret societies and take positions for themselves in every nation. In a short time they were grown very rich and shaped the Kingdom of Banking.
Dajjal figures:
1) King Namrud (Nimrod) - Sumer
2) Pharaoh - EGYPT - Akhenaten Of GOD
3) Sargon II - Assyria - Sargon
4) Nebuchadnezzar - Babylon
5.) Xerxes - PERSIA - Xerxes Baal
6) Antiochus IV - GREECE
7) Caesar Nero - ROME
8) 10 Empire Divided - A Club Of Rome
Six Crows
1) Napoleon - FRANCE
2) Adolf Hitler - GERMANY
3) Joseph Stalin - RUSSIA
4) President - United States
5.) Recep Erdogan - TURKEY
6) B. Netanyahu - ISRAEL
In April 1968 a group of economists and heads of state met in private land at the Rockefeller Bellagio, Italy under the guise of building world peace through 'A Club Of Rome'. Clubs (COR)
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent" -. Paul Warburg
Ten Kingdoms "The Ten Kingdoms" in the UN placed the ten territory called 'A Club of Rome', include:
1) North American Union (Not Established)
2) the European Union
3) Japan
4) Australia / New Zealand
5.) Eastern Europe Union / Russia
6) South American Union / Cuba
7) Middle East / North Africa
8) Africa
9) Union Asia / India
10) China
"Ten ruler of the world, in confederation with the Dajjal, the beast confederate army under Sargon II of Israel, which is done to Judah Nebuchadnezzar, power done by Antiochus Epiphanes to Palestine, and that is done Titus to Jerusalem" -. Rev. Ted Pike
"... Club has divided the world into ten regional political economy /, which he calls the" empire. "For ten kingdoms / regions come together even more in preparation for the reign of the ruler of the world, we will look at regionalizing money, the globalization of exchanges monetary or "cashless society" - Ministry Online.Org
"Around the world, the Club of Rome has indicated that genocide should be used to eliminate people who they refer to as" useless eaters. "This will be accomplished by using limited wars in the advanced countries, and even a limited nuclear strikes on strategic locations, as well as by way of creating a hunger to starvation and diseases in Third World countries" -. War On Satan Gematria Blog
Kingdoms together this is what the group described as the NWO - New World Order, which will be controlled through the Beast's reign as leader of Earth, all under the guise of creating world peace. Some aspects of this kingdom, yet in places including cash-less system.
"... There will be no peace in the tormented world, only a programmed and systematic series of wars and calamities- until plotters have gained their objective: an exhausted world willing to submit to Marxist economics, planned and total and meek enslavement- in the name of peace" -. Taylor Caldwell
Mortal Dajjal
1 Sabbatai Sevi - TURKEY
2 Lia Aminuddin - INDONESIA
3 Mitsuo Matayoshi - JAPAN
4 Ben Hulon Mitchell - UNITED STATES
5. Sun Myung Moon - Sun Moon - KOREA
6 William M Branham - Branham Bill - UNITED STATES
7 Ernest L. Norman - Norman EL - UNITED STATES
For a group of vicious and some Mystical / Luciferians (School of Mystery, Secret Society) Examples: The Secret Society of the European Communities, which includes Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and the Illuminati, the middle east mystery schools, such as Assassins and Yezidhi "Devil worshipers" Baphomet gods (idols), figure known as Dajjal is part of the holy trinity of ancient Babylonian / Sumerian figures.
The Unholy Trinity:
1) Whore of Babylon - Hathor (Whore of Babylon, sometimes combined with Semiramis / Ashtoreth / Lilith)
2) Devil - Satan (Canaanite god El, sometimes combined with Enki / Los Ha Ariman)
3) Son Of Sin - Zohak / Zohhak (Abaddon The Destroyer, sometimes combined with Azazel / Apollo)
There are three mortal characters that are key to understanding the identity of the Beast.
1) King Namrud (Nimrod) - Sumer
2) Sargon II - Assyria
3) Zohhak - Persian
That need to be observed and be wary
Wahhabis, Shi'ites, the former PKI
The Awaited - Imam Mahdi and Al Khidr
"When you think that the people who inhabit caves and (has) raqim, they include our signs shocking (Remember) when youths took refuge in the cave, and they prayed.?" O our Lord (ALLAH), grant me the grace to Us from You and shape to Us Straight instructions in Us (this). '
Dajjal (Antichrist) that we feel is often the result of a reckless act rude, because that power has been made to forget what is good and what is bad. Dajjal (Antichrist) the second is a group of youths kahf ashab enemy wants to avoid libel Dajjal (Antichrist). and prefer to run and hide in a cave. To more clearly its Dajjal (Antichrist) Who continuation of Surah Al-Kahf read / read a story about stories ashab kahf Islam ..
Then the mystery of what is inside the triangle BERMUDA reading here and stop the slander / fictional story about the existence of the Antichrist in the bermuda triangle. Because the Bermuda triangle is not much different from the phenomenon of Jabal maghnet.
Meanwhile in Islamic literature itself mentions that humans are going to destroy the Antichrist is none other than the Prophet Khidr.
Shalawat (Blessings) of Prophet Khidr AS,
اللهم صلّ وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله عدد كمال الله وكما يليق بكماله
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik `ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa `ala aalihi `adada kamaalillah wa kamaa yaleequ bi kamaalih.
"O Allah, bestow mercy Safety and blessing to Our master the Prophet Muhammad and family as there is no deadline above Your perfection and as much as count Your perfection
This is my address :
Gubeng Jaya No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, east java. 60281. you can search on this ... Google Maps .... and please type Gubeng Jaya No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Tim. 60281, Indonesia (Gubeng Jaya No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, east java. 60281. Indonesia), or type Gubeng Jaya II KA No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60281, Indonesia (Gubeng Jaya II KA No.2, Gubeng, Surabaya, east java. 60281, Indonesia). then Click Street View. on Google Maps.
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